With experience comes know-how. Inline Engineering are WA shutdown support services experts and have a wealth of knowledge and expertise in shutdown support.
We are passionate about delivering efficient and economical solutions to minimise downtime on the job. Our team of talented technicians are dedicated to providing expert shutdown support services to you. Call us or contact us to discuss your shutdown support requirements.
Inline Engineering has developed a full range of various services designed to support your business during shutdown periods. To respond to our client’s needs, ILES has established the following specialised mechanical maintenance shutdown services, including:
At Inline Engineering Services, we pride ourselves on consistently creating solutions to address specific client concerns and to reduce downtime as far as possible. We are proud to offer precise mechanical overhaul, machining and repair services, including:
Inline has the skills, knowledge and people-power to deliver strategised outcomes. We use a field assessment tool on all shutdowns. Our supervisors and leading hands carry out observation-based assessments for all casual resources. These are ranked against the following criteria:
Aptitude – Trade skills, additional competencies, quality of work and work-rate
Safety – Compliance, meaningful contributions, housekeeping and awareness
Attitude – Initiative, time-keeping, teamwork, punctuality and reliability
Leadership – Mentoring, job-perspective or task-perspective and example-set
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